About Solum Literary Press
We are a Christian small press embodying a faith that seeks excellence. We publish poetry, short stories, and homilies in Solum Journal, our annual literary journal, as well as poetry chapbooks, poetry collections, novellas, novels, and short story collections.
We primarily publish work concerning Christian theology or work which deals with the Christian life, i.e., the trials and triumphs of daily life with God. We hope to uplift young or undiscovered Christian authors, academics, and artists, and provide a space for them to interact and grow from one another. While we generally publish work with Christian themes, our main criteria for publication are honesty and literary merit. God’s truth can be found in all forms of art and literature, just as he’s found in all creation (Ps 19). Your work doesn’t need to directly pertain to Christian theology or contain Christian themes for consideration. Learn more about our vision and what we seek to publish on our “Submissions” page.