solum pODCAST
In the Solum Podcast, we discuss and examine the intersection of the modern renaissances in evangelical literature, philosophy, and spiritual formation. Listen here and on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and on all major podcast platforms.
Ep. 28 — Healing Trauma through Poetry | Laurie Klein
“I really hope that the footprints that mark out [my] path are filling up with clear water that reflects a little bit of sky.”
Ep. 27 — C. S. Lewis On Stage? | The Logos Theater on Christian Plays and Art
“[In theater], we get to show beautiful, wonderful aspects of who [God] is in a very unique and exciting way.”
Ep. 26 — Seeing the World through Poetry | Lesley Clinton on Faith-Based Poetry
“I think poetry is a way of seeing. . . . It’s a way of searching for God in all things.”
Ep. 25 — How to Help the Poor and Needy | Angie Ward on Loving People in Pain
“In society, we call [people] ‘marginalized’ for a reason: because we tend to not notice them.”
Ep. 24 — What Does It Mean to Be a Man of God? | Kenny Luck on Biblical Masculinity
“I truly believe that one transformed man can transform many things and shine the light of Christ where he is.”
Ep. 23 — The Paradox of Christianity | Laura Reece Hogan on Paul and Poetry
“We see throughout Paul’s writings . . . this idea of paradox.”
Ep. 22 — Recover Your Faith | Andrew Arndt on Spiritual Burnout, the Desert Fathers, and Connecting with God
“. . . God is love, and God is in our experience . . . He can be found . . . we can become a people of love in a loveless age.”
Ep. 21 — Seeking the God Who Seeks You | Trevor Hudson on Dallas Willard and St. Ignatius
“. . . At the heart of the gospel . . . we’re invited into another kind of life to become the person that really God wants us to be.“
Ep. 20 — Poetry of Faith | Discussion and Readings with Marjorie Maddox
“I very much believe that poetry is . . . a confrontation with reality, that literature . . . has very much to do with your life.”
Ep. 19 — Literary Apologetics | Holly Ordway on the Imagination and Apologetics
“What literary apologetics is really about is harnessing the power of the imagination to make ideas meaningful so that the intellect can properly grasp them.”
Ep. 18 — The Philosophy of Jesus, Part 1: What Is Real? | Doug Lindquist Interview
“. . . When we get reality wrong, it hurts us.”
Ep. 17 — A Theology of Aging | Alice Fryling on Spiritual Growth as We Age
“I’m excited that, in this season of life, my relationship with God has been more vibrant than it’s ever been.”
Ep. 16 — God in the Dark | J. P. Moreland on Mental Illness and the Christian Life
“. . . [Spiritual practices] provide you a way of changing in a way that you can’t change by simply willing yourself to change.”
Ep. 15 — God and Poetry in a Cynical World | Ryan Diaz Interview
“. . . Ultimately, I think poetry trains us for experience with God.”
Ep. 14 — Fiction and Truth | Elizabeth Genovise Interview
“I write because I want to search for truth. I want to engage with it. I want to grow as a person.“
Ep. 13, Part 2 — David Horner Interview | Pleasure, Virtue, and the Good Life
“. . . Moses, very frequently, describes the Law as showing people how they can flourish.”
Ep. 13, Part 1 — David Horner Interview | Why Ethics Matters
“Ideas matter. Ideas have consequences.”
Ep. 12 — Socialism and Communism from a Poet’s Perspective | Andrew Sorokowski Interview
“[Communism] treats people as simply economic creatures that are only interested in material goods.”
Ep. 11 — God, Poetry, and Mental Health | Mike Bonikowsky Interview
“It gets better, and it gets worse, but it’s always changing.”
Ep. 10, Part 3 — Greg Ganssle Interview | Apologetics, Literature, and Our Deepest Desires
“God will defeat evil in its entirety without violating human freedom.”