cody adams
Originally from Buffalo, NY, Cody Adams currently teaches at a high school in Toronto, ON. His writing has appeared in Defenestration, Ekstasis Magazine, Heart of Flesh Literary Journal, Spirit Fire Review, and Cacti Fur, among others. He also serves as a Board Member for Forefront Festival.
Last night my
father’s ‘88 Ford F-150
rumbled down Main Street,
trailed by wispy clouds of
whiskey-drenched breath.
His battered bumper
veered into the village
cemetery. The steel fist
of the Ford’s face
punched through tombstones;
jagged hunks of marble and granite
thudded against the windshield.
Names, dates, and brief quotes attempting to
encapsulate an entire human life
exploded into a scrambled mess
of airborne gravel.
Tires tore chunks
of turf from earth like
scalp scraped from skull.
He skidded to a halt
just before his bumper
could collide with one
small stone at the end of a row,
a stone that showed two
years from the same decade,
a stone gently kissed by his steel fist,
a stone that bore my name.
Read more of Cody’s work in Solum Journal Volume V: Legacy.