Patrick T. Reardon

Patrick T. Reardon, a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, has authored ten books, including the poetry collections Requiem for David (Silver Birch), Darkness on the Face of the Deep (Kelsay) and The Lost Tribes (Grey Book). Forthcoming is his memoir in prose poems Puddin’: The Autobiography of a Baby (Third World).  His website is  His poetry has appeared in Rhino, Main Street Rag, America, Autumn Sky, Burningword Literary Journal and many others.

The Tribune Writes the Bible

We are not afraid of height.

During slack summer, we will write a better Bible.


This will be a new Genesis, new Exodus.

A chart-able Jesus.  Lots of graphics.

Revelations galore.


Clearer language.  Our copy desk will see to that.


Nothing will stand in our way.

From our glass offices, we will assign

Proverbs and Mark, Ezra and Colossians.


No lede buried. 


We will win a prize.


Sixty-six parts, give or take.

Why 1 and 2 Kings?  1 and 2 Samuel?

Simplify, clarify.

Sprightly, compelling, spread over two months.

Trim to fit.


The almond tree will blossom,

its leaves weighed down by grasshoppers.


Day-to-day, the Professional will be team leader.

We will take bodies

from sports and features and from the suburbs.

The bureaus, too — Washington, Moscow, the rest.


The Professional will follow our orders.

We will whisper in his ear.

He will move the hand of each writer.


The first books, in two weeks.

No time to waste.


Get to it.

The sun is setting.

Mourners go about the streets.

 Read more of Patrick’s work in Solum Journal Spring 2022 and Solum Journal Volume III.