S. T. Brant is a teacher from Las Vegas.
Pubs in/coming from EcoTheo, Door is a Jar, Santa Clara Review, Rain Taxi, New South, Green Mountains Review, The Common Breath, Another Chicago Magazine, Ekstasis, 8 Poems, Ligeia, a few others.
You can find him on Twitter @terriblebinth or Instagram @shanelemagne.
The end of the dream, the end of the wrungs-
that you know of.
You have passed beyond the dream,
But there is always a new air of seeing.
Maybe this is where,
where you find reality.
Still there will be wrungs
to climb,
But the climbing may be more a walk, a glide.
It cannot be said.
Just lived.
Read more of Brant’s work in Solum Journal Volume I.